Monday, January 23, 2012


I don't know about the rest of you, but I love the idea of blogging about our studio practice!  I'm really hoping that its going to be the motivation I need to get my ass in gear on those days (and weeks) when there just don't seem to be enough hours in a day.

Go go gadget blogger!


  1. hi Oz,
    just wanted to let you know i posted your link. your blog looks great, and i'm glad you're up for the blogging

  2. I had to do this in my under grad, and it had the portential to be really great, but i was working with a group of slackers... so i look forward to see how it could work with dedicated people! yay!

  3. I concur, Oz! This whole blog idea is a pretty grand one :), and will definitely keep us motivated! It's going to be great seeing everyone's work as it unfolds, instead of just as "finished products" (whatever that means anyway) in critiques!!

