Thursday, April 12, 2012

other things

I've taken a little break from the bird seed, I got a little stumped with it so I've been working on other things while I let it simmer a bit. And now for something completely different... I've been making my own wedding dress for my encore-wedding this June and while it doesn't really have to do with my studio practice per say, I wanted to share my latest addition. I decided to embroider coordinates of important spots along the bottom of the dress.

The moral of the story, I still really like coordinates :)

Monday, April 2, 2012

26 Day Time Lapse

So after 26 days I declared the bird seed time lapse finished. Here's the compiled time lapse video. I haven't decided if I'll add any sound, and if so what.

I love a lot of the stills I got out of it and have some other ideas in the works as well.