Monday, April 2, 2012

26 Day Time Lapse

So after 26 days I declared the bird seed time lapse finished. Here's the compiled time lapse video. I haven't decided if I'll add any sound, and if so what.

I love a lot of the stills I got out of it and have some other ideas in the works as well.


  1. its really a strange quality that every time the screen goes black you expect it to start over like a loop, but doesnt. Its too bad that so much bird seed is still there. It doesn't feel like its done, it just feels like you stopped.

    It feels really static right now. Do you intend to so any editing?

  2. The black segments are strange - almost like a blinking eye. I agree with Jasmine, it seems like you just stopped. Maybe sound can aid that? I hope you didn't clean up yet; you might be able to pick it up where you left off? Very entertaining though. Looks like you were getting a good group towards the end.

  3. Hi Oz,
    Just want to be sure I got this right - you ended the filming before all the seed was gone, right? It really does seem like there's an ever-replenishing supply. Remember that the way something ends really seals the story, the meaning, the message. There's an expectation that the pile will dwindle and the film will end when nothing is left. I like that it isn't that obvious. I can't tell if you're continually adding to the pile, if the sequence has been played with, or if these birds are just pushing the food around on their plate. Ending it the way it is here implies that it could be looped, or that this is something you observe that goes on forever.
    Curious about your ideas for the stills. I like the fashion drawings. With your drawing on them, some harken back to imagery from the past (advertising from the 50's), which is something that the biscuit video did too. Time seems to play a big part in the work of yours I've seen so far.
    Looking forward to seeing what you've been up to when we meet next week.

  4. Hey Oz! I love the repetition that we get to see with the shadows on the porch as each day finishes...I think if you choose to do some sound it would be interesting to play off of that. Can't wait to see more!
