Wednesday, March 14, 2012

coloring book

While the birdseed project is still going (I've been removing the pictures from the memory card and recharging the battery ever 2-3 days) I started another project as well.

After reading Jennie's comment that had something to do images of people in cloaks, I started doodling on found images of the figure and giving them cloaks.  I really enjoyed it so I picked up the giant March 2012 issue of Vogue ("606 pages of spring looks") and have turned it into my cloak coloring book.  I want to work my way through and turn as many fashion ads into cloak ads as I can.  Here's a sample of what I've done so far.


  1. with the radical shift in the weather, birds are trying to figure out if they should be migrating, or where they are, or what the heck is going on! Ordinarily, once one or two find a food source, you'd have a hoard of regulars. It's an odd moment in the in-between of seasons right now, which may bring you fewer customers, but a broader variety.
    The fashion images are interesting. They make me wonder about the meaning of a cloak. Is it just protection for rainy weather? Vampire gear? A way to hide? A costume that allows the person wearing it to change who they are (like a super hero's cape)?. Maybe all of the above? Curious what about it appeals to you ultimately.

  2. you are hilarious. Have you lost interest in MAPS? and journeys?

  3. loves these cloak doodles. jennie had a good point, what do the cloaks mean exactly?

  4. Jasmine, no I don't think I'm done with maps and journeys forever, just for the moment.

    Kristin, I haven't totally pinned down what the cloaks mean, but I find it very satisfying to use them as a way of altering the appearance of these models. I love using an outdated, symbolic garment to cover these people. No one wears cloaks, but no one looks like the people in those magazines either.
