Wednesday, March 7, 2012

for the birds

I think enough birds have found my little dish of bird seed and the weather forecast for the next few days look good... so I set up my big-pile-'o-bird-seed-time-lapse experiment.  I set up the camera yesterday to take a photo ever 2 minutes.  I started it at 7am Tuesday morning, stopped it after sunset Tuesday night and started it again before sunrise this morning.  I plan to keep it going until either the memory card fills up, I run out of battery in one of my devices (camera or timer remote) or all the bird seed is gone.  (Considering that it was nearly 10 pounds of bird seed, I'm guessing it will be one of the former.)


  1. You could empty your memory card every night when you stop the camera so that you can film until all of the bird seed is gone. Or charge your camera at night while you are not filming. Unless you would rather leave the outcome up to chance - but I'm curious to see how all of the bird seed disappears.

  2. I want to leave it alone as long as possible. Since I have to take the camera off the tripod to recharge it, I'm afraid it will shift the image :( But after 3 days my camera's battery is half used and there is still a loooooooot of bird seed left.
